Tuesday, 6 December 2011

He saved me

On the 31st October, 2011, at approximately 1.30ish in the afternoon, I was saved by Jesus Christ. :) Not saved as in, I was almost hit by a truck but it missed me by an inch. No, saved as in, I gave my life to Him and received Him as my Saviour. He is awesome. Him and God. Jesus sacrificed His own LIFE to save us. Doesn't that mean anything? Because it means a lot to me. I've sinned a lot. But God doesn't count all our sins. And I know and hope and PRAY that he forgives me for my sins. I've wondered at times, why now? Why did I chose to give my life now instead of two years ago? Well, my only answer is, its because I wasn't ready, I guess. It wasn't time for me to give myself to God. But better late than never, right? Just last week I received my first job. And it paid great too. And I thanked God everyday for it. I still do. He works in mysterious ways, God. And it was in those ways that He gave me the chance to be saved. And I took it of course. Our God is patient. He waited 17 years for me to receive His Son as my Saviour, and I did. And I don't regret it one bit. :) Even though its hard at times, it doesn't mean its impossible. It just means that the road to Heaven is long and bumpy, but my Saviour will ALWAYS be by my side to the very end. :)

Praise Him.